Joy Neasley Studios

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Brainstorming Story Ideas for the Watercolor Woods

This is just a quick 10 minute brainstorming exercise, story ideas.

  1. Mouse finds friends in fall ground foliage. Maybe share why we should leave foliage on the ground in fall and winter.

  2. 13 year cicada - eggs in tree, hatching, dropping and life underground in the watercolor woods for 13 years.

  3. Cowbirds and their nest laying habit in other nests.

  4. The Watercolor Woods habitat with the Big Bald Cypress Trees

  5. Mouse discovering mushrooms on the Watercolor Woods forest floor or in the Graphite Glades, maybe slug or snail too

  6. Pip building her home in the hollow of the big bald cypress tree and her friends dropping by to help her make it cozy.

  7. A flock of grumpy grackles

  8. Hawk hunting, pip and friends hide

  9. Oliver the bull frog and a jumping contest in Canvas Creek of the Watercolor Woods

  10. Something with the Graphite Glades

  11. Something with a Brushstroke Waterfall

  12. Quests with Pip and her friends in the Watercolor Woods

  13. Mia, chatty bluebird, scout for an adventure walk with Pip and friends