Juniper, The Curious

Hello again,

I would like to introduce you to another resident of The Watercolor Woods, Juniper.

Juniper is a curious chipmunk with fur as soft as the moss beneath her feet and eyes that sparkle. She is a bit shy, but loves a good adventure, especially when it involves Pip and the gang.

She is known for her boundless energy and cheerful disposition, filling her days by scampering about The Watercolor Woods, exploring every nook and cranny.

Juniper is loyal to her friends, especially Pip, the deer mouse, and is quick to lend a helping paw or offer words of encouragement.

Despite her small size, Juniper is an invaluable member of The Watercolor Woods community.

Juniper, the Chipmunk makes her first appearance in The Watercolor Woods Series in the story, The Mystery Of The Missing Acorns.

Joy Neasley

Watercolor Wildlife & Nature Artist

Brainstorming for Next Story of The Watercolor Woods


Story: Pip Moves to the Watercolor Woods