Joy Neasley Studios

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Pollinator Extravaganza

“What a beautiful day!” exclaims Pip, the deer mouse looking out over the Watercolor Woods from her hollow in the cypress tree.

“Yes, it is! Look at that clear blue sky,” Mia, the blue jay, calls out to Pip from her branch above the hollow.

“We should get over to the community garden. I’ll meet you there,” Pip scampers down the tree.

“Okay,” Mia flies off towards the garden.

“Mia, Mia!” Pip yells, scurrying up a sunflower where Mia is sitting and waiting.

“Slow down, Pip. What is it?” Mia answers.

“I have an idea! We should celebrate the garden pollinators with a party to show our appreciation,” Pip suggests.

Mia’s eyes light up, “That’s a wonderful idea, Pip. A party for the bees, butterflies, and all the other pollinators who help in our garden.”

“Let’s get everyone together in the garden, and plan it,” Pip suggests. “Imagine the fun!”

On their way to the garden, Mia flies over the woods, spreading the news to everyone she sees below.

Pip sees Rosemary, the rabbit, “Hello, Rosemary. We are planning a party to celebrate the pollinators in the garden. They work hard to give us fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Would you like to help us?”

Rosemary hops with excitement, “A party? That sounds like fun! I’d love to help, but what can I do?”

Pip suggests, “We need to make treats and set up water stations. Can you help with that?”

“Yes!” Rosemary agrees. “I can gather fresh clover and flower blossoms from the garden.”

In the garden, Pip and Mia see many of their friends waiting to plan the party.

Mia sees Ember the owl, “Would you like to tell stories at the party? You share such great stories.”

Ember smiles, “I can tell stories about adventures in the garden, and how important pollinators are to us.”

Pip asks Moonbeam, the skunk, and Hazel, the armadillo, “Can you find fresh, ripe vegetables and fruit for treats?”

She also sees Oliver, the bullfrog, “Oliver, can you set up water stations around the garden? We want to make them a permanent fixture in the garden.”

Oliver agrees, “Yes. That’s a wonderful idea!”

Jasper, the opossum, offers his help, “I can set up a cozy spot for Ember to tell the stories.”

“Perfect, Jasper!” Mia flaps her wings, “I will oversee the preparations from above.”

Everyone nods and gets to work. Rosemary and Oliver hop through the garden collecting flowers for nectar and arranging the water stations. Moonbeam and Hazel collect beautiful vegetables and fruit for treats. While Ember and Jasper prepare a cozy space in the shade of the corn stalks for storytelling.

Pip notices, “Mia, look! The bumblebees are here, and the butterflies are on their way! I see the hummingbirds over there!”

Mia looks around the garden, “Everything looks great! The treats are spread out over flat rocks. Acorn caps are filled with nectar. They look yummy! The water stations are buzzing with bees! Moss and leaves make the story area cozy.”

Pip claps her paws, “It’s perfect! Let’s party!”

Mia lands on a high branch and calls out, “Attention, everyone. We are ready to start the party!”

“Look at the pollinators gathering, “Ember observes from her perch. “I see bees, butterflies, birds, hummingbirds, dragonflies, and even some ladybugs.”

Pip calls out, “Welcome, everyone! We are grateful for your contribution to the community garden. Please, enjoy the treats, and the stories, and have fun!”

They enjoyed a full day of activities with their friends and pollinators. As the sun begins to set, Mia smiles, “The party is a success, Pip.”

Stars soon appear in the sky, and Pip makes an announcement, “Thank you, everyone, for coming to the party! Today has been fun, and it’s thanks to each one of you.”

Mia shares, “Look, the pollinators are buzzing and fluttering in agreement.”

Pip shares with Mia, “I am happy to see everyone enjoying the party.”

Mia smiles, “This was a wonderful idea, Pip. The garden is more beautiful than ever, thanks to our friends.”

Everyone begins to tidy up the garden and head home for the night.

Pip and Mia drift off to sleep for the night with smiles on their faces and happy hearts. Their dreams are full of adventures yet to come in the Watercolor Woods.