Story: A Birthday Surprise

“Pip, are you awake?” Mia, the blue jay, whispers outside Pip’s hollow in the big cypress tree.

Pip, the deer mouse, yawns and stretches, “Mia? Is that you?”

“Yes,” Mia answers. “Today is my birthday! I am thinking we can go to the meadow, or to the river? What do you think?”

“Maybe, we can do something a little different this year?” Pip suggests.

Mia tilts her head, “Like what?”

“Let’s enjoy the day, and relax here in the Watercolor Woods and hang out with a few friends.” Pip urges Mia, trying not to grin or give away her secret.

Mia replies, “Okay. We can have a quiet, peaceful day and enjoy each others’ company.”

“I have a few errands to run. Then, we can relax for the day,” Pip remembers, “Boone, the raccoon is going for a swim in the creek. I am sure he would love a swimming partner this morning, Mia.”

“Ooooh! That sounds like fun. I will see you afterward, then.” Mia hops and flaps her wings happily.

In the meadow, Pip finds Rosemary, the rabbit, “Hello, Rosemary! And, hello, Moonbeam! I almost didn’t see you there.”

“Hello, Pip!” Moonbeam, the skunk, giggles with a mouthful of wildflowers.

“Does everyone know about the surprise birthday party for Mia?” Pip asks.

Rosemary answers, “Yes! Everyone is excited to attend.”

“Thank you for getting the word out. See you there!” Pip shouts as she heads towards the river.

“Hello, Walter and Josie!” Pip hollers over to the twin turtles basking on a log in the river.

“Hello!” They greet Pip in unison.

“How are the decorations for the surprise party coming along?” Pip asks.

The twins reply, “They are finished, and they look great!”

Josie adds, “Make sure Mia stays away from the area until party time. We don’t want her to see the decorations.”

“Will do! Boone is keeping her busy swimming,” Pip smiles.

Oliver calls out from the river’s edge, “Hello, Pip!”

“Hi, Oliver! Exciting day, isn’t it!” Pip twirls around.

“Yes, it is. The games are ready for the party. I have set them all up,” Oliver shares with Pip. “Oh, and the bonfire is ready too.”

“Thank you! Mia is going to love this surprise birthday party!” Pip says, still twirling around. “I have one more stop to make, then I will see you at the party!”

“Hello, Juniper, Earl, Jasper, and Boone! Wait! Boone, where is Mia? You are supposed to be keeping her busy swimming.” Pip’s whiskers twitch.

Laughing, Boone answers, “She is exploring Graphite Glades with Henry, the groundhog. He will bring her to the party.”

“Whew! That was almost a disaster! She cannot see the decorations before the party, or it will not be a surprise!” Pip responds.

“Look at all this food!” Earl, the squirrel, points to the smorgasbord of food.

“All of Mia’s favorites are here,” Juniper, the chipmunk, smiles.

“And more!” Boone adds with a grin.

“Look. Here comes everyone,” Jasper, the opossum, announces.

“Place your gifts here,” Ember, the owl, points to a log.

“Pip, this looks amazing! Mia is not far behind me,” Henry calls out.

“Thank you, Henry! Look! The guest of honor is arriving, and Harmony, the mockingbird, is with her!” Pip smiles, pleased with how everything is going.

“Surprise!” Everyone yells. “Happy Birthday, Mia!”

“I-I don’t know what to say!” Mia’s eyes fill with happy tears. “Thank you!”

Pip scurries over to Mia, “You’re my closest friend, and you deserve a special birthday celebration! Everyone helped put the party together because they love you, and they wanted to be part of your special day!”

“Thank you, Pip!” Mia hugs her. “Thank you everyone! I love the surprise party!”

The day fills with games, celebration, friendship, and love in the Watercolor Woods.

Joy Neasley

Watercolor Wildlife & Nature Artist

Story: Night Squeaks


Story: The Forest Olympics