Story: A Festival To Remember

“Pip, how are the apples looking?” Mia, the blue jay, calls.

“They look good. I am almost finished, Mia,” Pip, the deer mouse, replies. “Can you help me with these berries?”

“Yes, of course.” Mia carries the berries to the table. The festivities in the Watercolor Woods Community Garden are ready to begin. “This is going to be a Harvest Festival to remember!”

“Welcome, everyone!” They hear Ember, the owl, greet the guests. “It’s wonderful to see you all here!”

“Hello, Rosemary, the rabbit! We are glad you could come.” Pip calls out.

“Thank you, Pip. The garden looks amazing. Everyone did such a wonderful job.” Rosemary smiles.

Ember makes an announcement, “Friends, today we celebrate our hard work in the community garden and the bounty it has given us. Enjoy the feast!”

“Wow!” Oliver, the bullfrog, marvels. “The food is incredible.”

“Yes. Everyone outdid themselves,” Jasper, the opossum remarks. “This is delicious.”

“We had a great year in the garden, and everyone helped,” Pip says.

“Hey, Pip.” Mia suggests, “Let’s join the scavenger hunt.”

“Let’s go.” Pip jumps up. “Look! There is the first clue, under the pumpkin.”

“Hmmmm….” Mia, says, “There it is. The second clue,” Mia shares with Pip, reading each clue and finding the next one.

“We did it, Mia!” Pip shouts after solving all the clues.

“That was so much fun!” Mia beams.

“Ready for music, Mia?” Pip asks with a bounce in her step.

“Absolutely,” Mia agrees. “I am ready to sit down for a break after the scavenger hunt.”

“The bird choir is the highlight of the day.” Pip smiles as they hurry to the stage area.

“Listen to them sing! It is beautiful,” Mia admires the choir. “Pip, let’s dance.”

“I thought you were tired from the scavenger hunt?” Pip looks puzzled.

“Listen to that music. I can’t help but want to dance,” Mia bounces to the beat of the music.

“This is fun,” Pip says, twirling around Mia.

“It’s story time,” Ember announces as the bird choir leaves the stage.

“Oh,” Pip whispers, “I love Ember’s stories.”

“Me too!” Mia replies.

“Tonight, I will tell the story of a little deer mouse, who moves to the Watercolor Woods.” Ember begins.

“Oh! Pip! That story is about you!” Mia softly whispers to Pip.

After the stories, Pip sees the campfires lighting up the evening. “Mia, let’s stargaze by the campfire?”

“Wonderful idea, Pip.” Mia agrees.

Sitting back by the fire, Pip smiles, “I love living here, Mia.”

“Me, too!” Mia smiles.

“The fireflies are lighting up the woods this evening,” Pip points out. “How beautiful.”

“I wonder what our next adventure will be?” Mia wonders.

“I am not sure. The community garden is ready for winter, and we will not have work to do in it until spring.” Pip says.

“It looks like everyone is starting to clean up, and the Harvest Festival is ending,” Mia observes. “This was a festival to remember, Pip. I love seeing all our friends and neighbors.”

“I agree. It’s days like these that remind me how wonderful our community is,” Pip sighs. “It’s time to walk home.”

Pip and Mia share stories of the summer in the community garden on their walk home.

“Good night, Mia!” Pip says from her hollow in the cypress tree.

“Good night, Pip!” Mia calls from her roost, nearby in the tree. “Get a good night's sleep. We have new adventures beginning tomorrow.”

As they doze off for the night, the memories of the Harvest Festival fill their dreams.

Joy Neasley

Watercolor Wildlife & Nature Artist

Story: The Forest Olympics


Story: Harvest Festival Preparations