Story: Hiding In Plain Sight

“I’m not sure what we should do today, Pip.”  Mia, the blue jay, chirps as she pops her head into Pip’s hollow.

Juniper, the chipmunk

Pip, the deer mouse, greets Mia with a cheerful, “Good morning, Mia.”

Pip and Mia are close friends in the Watercolor Woods.  As neighbors, they share a beautiful Bald Cypress Tree.  Pip lives in a cozy hollow not far from Mia’s nest.

“What if we gather our friends and neighbors for a game of hide and seek?”  Pip suggests.

“Sounds like fun!” Mia agrees.  “Let’s go.”

Traveling the trail through the woods, Pip and Mia find several friends ready to play the game.  “Okay.  Earl, Oliver, Hixie, and Rosemary go hide.  Mia and I will count.”  Pip proposes.

“Yes.”  The group answers in unison.

“One.  Two.  Three…, One hundred!”  Mia and Pip count.  “Ready, or not, here we come!”

Flying overhead Mia chirps, “Wow!  Our friends are excellent at hiding!”

Pip, looking up, whispers to Mia, “I see Earl, the squirrel.  His gray and white fur perfectly blends with the tree bark.  Look at that!”

“We found you, Earl!”  Pip and Mia shout.  “But, it was not easy to see you!”

Mia utters softly, “Pip, there is Rosemary, the rabbit.  Look at how her brown fur matches the dirt and decayed leaves of the woodland floor.”

“We found you, Rosemary!”  They both exclaim.

Hixie, the screech owl

“How do they do it?” Pip wonders aloud, her whiskers twitching with curiosity.

“It’s camouflage.” Pip and Mia hear a voice say from overhead.

Giggling, Pip reacts, “Hello, Hixie. We didn’t see you there!”

Hixie, the screech owl, smiles and explains, “Camouflage is a resourceful trick used by many here in the Watercolor Woods to hide from danger. Some change colors, while others blend using patterns to match their surroundings.”

“Fascinating!”  Mia squawks.

“Many use camouflage to mask their location, their identity, and movement.”  Oliver, the bullfrog interjects.

“How…  Where did you come from, Oliver?”  Pip squeals.

“I was hiding and listening from the stream over there,”  Oliver explains.  “I blend perfectly with the mud and moss.”

Mia, with a look of determination retorts, “We should look for the others.  Now, we know to look carefully, because they are using camouflage to hide.”

“Boo!” Yells Juniper, jumping from a tree branch above.

“Juniper!”  Mia shouts.

“Didn’t see me, did you?”  Juniper chortles.

The woodland group continues to take turns hiding and seeking.  They are having fun and have lost track of time.

“We have had fun today!  Thank you for playing with us.  But look, the sun is setting.”  Mia shares.

Rosemary agrees, “It is time to go home.  If we hurry, we can make it home before dark.”

“Bye, everyone!” Pip and Mia wave as they set out for home.

“Bye!”  They hear the others bid farewell behind them.

Pip and Mia enjoy their walk home, sharing tales of adventures in the Watercolor Woods.

Laughing together, Pip suddenly stops.  “Something darted across the path ahead!”

“Stay here, and I will fly overhead to see what it is,”  Mia whispers as she takes flight.

Circling a few times, she lands near Pip, “It’s a pair of young fox kits, hiding in the underbrush.”

Pip takes a few steps closer.  “Hello?” She calls out.

“Hello,” the kits answer cautiously.

Pip realizes, “Mia, do you see?  They are hiding in the leaves and branches of the underbrush.  They are using camouflage in hopes we will not see them.”

Oliver, the Bullfrog

Mia tilts her head and looks carefully, “Incredible observation, Pip.”

“Hi, I am Pip, and this is Mia. We almost didn’t see you.  You blend well into your surroundings.”

One of the kits explain, “We watch our mom and dad.  They show us when we should be seen and when we should disappear.”

Mia compliments them, “Well done!  We must be going.  It’s getting dark quickly.  Maybe we can stop by for a visit soon?”

“Sure.  We are usually around here somewhere.” They giggle.

Pip and Mia wave goodbye, “We will see you again soon.”

Back at home, settling into her cozy hollow, Pip reflects on the day’s activities till she cannot keep her eyes open any longer.  Mia fell fast asleep roosting nearby with sweet dreams of adventure.

Joy Neasley

Watercolor Wildlife & Nature Artist

Story: The Campout


Story: Cicada Summer