Joy Neasley Studios

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Story: Sienna’s Secret

”Where should we explore today?” Pip ponders aloud, poking her head out of the hollow in the huge bald cypress tree nestled along the river in the Watercolor Woods.

Mia, Pip’s closest friend, and a bluejay, overhears her from her nest in the tree. “Let’s set off in this direction, and see where we wind up?”

“Mmmmmm,” Pip sniffs the air from the woodland underbrush.  “I can smell the aroma of fresh spring wildflowers!  Follow that scent!”

Their noses lead them to a nearby clearing.  “Oh my whiskers,” remarks Pip.  “Look!”

Mia hops closer, “It’s a fawn hiding in the tall grass.”  Scanning the clearing, Mia asks curiously “Where is her family?”

They slowly approach the fawn, but Mia could not contain her excitement and chirps, “She is beautiful!  We have to help her!”

The fawn, with its big ears and cautious eyes, looks up, “Hi?”

“Hello. My name is Pip, and this is my friend Mia.  What’s your name?” Pip asks.

“I’m Sienna,” she replies.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sienna.” Mia greets her. “Are you lost?”

Sienna responds, “My mother told me to stay here quietly, but she has been gone for a long time.”

“What is all the commotion?  We can hear you from the river,” croaks Oliver, the bullfrog from Canvas Creek.

“Yes.  What is all the fuss?” Chime in the twins, Walter and Josie, pond sliders from the nearby Stippling River.

Mia and Pip explain the situation to their friends.

Walter and Josie exchange glances and nod in agreement, “We can help search the Watercolor Woods for Sienna’s family.”

“Lead the way, Pip,” says Josie.

As they begin the search, Pip spots a swallowtail butterfly fluttering around the spring wildflowers, “Have you seen a deer family?”

“No. Sorry,” answers the Swallowtail.

Just then, Mia sees an old friend, Echo, a Pileated Woodpecker.  “Have you seen a deer family?”

“No. Sorry,” Echo says with his mouth full.  “But, did you try the meadow? Deer love to hang out there.”

“Good idea.  Thank you.  Gang, let’s head over to Palette Place Meadow,” Oliver eagerly croaks with a big jump.

“Moonbeam!” Squawks Mia, landing near the striped skunk,  “Good to see you!”

The others greet Moonbeam.  “Hey!  Moonbeam!  We are glad to see you!”

“What can I do for you, “ Moonbeam giggles.

“This is Sienna,” Walter introduces Sienna to Moonbeam.  “We are looking for her family.”

“I saw deer this morning down by the River,” Moonbeam says as she rolls and plays. “Juniper, the chipmunk, might know.  Stop by her burrow under the big oak tree.”

Waving goodbye to Moonbeam, they head down to Stippling River, where they find the big oak tree on the river’s edge.

At the burrow’s entrance under the tree, Pip squeaks, “Juniper, are you home?”

Juniper scurries down the tree, “Here I am.”

Pip asks, “Have you seen a deer family?”

“Yes, they are foraging up the river,” Juniper says and points down the river.  “I hope you find them.”

“Thank you,” Walter and Josie yell back as they quickly head down the river’s edge.

Mia scouts ahead, “I see deer!” She announces.

They follow Mia to the deer.  “Mama!” Sienna shouts and runs.

“Sienna, good to see you!”  Her mama greets her with nose kisses.  “I went back to the clearing with food for you, but I couldn’t find you.”

“Ma’am.  Sorry.  That is our fault.” Pip apologizes.  “We thought Sienna was lost.”

The doe, Sienna’s mother, explains, “Mother deer leave their fawns in the tall grass while we forage for food.”

She continues to explain, “The fawns do not yet have scent glands.  By leaving them hidden in the grass, we are protecting them from predators.  Their reddish-brown fur with spots help camouflage and keep them safe till we return to feed.”

“We are sorry.  We encouraged Sienna to look for you.  We are relieved to know she is home and safe now.” Pip shares.

They stay and visit with Sienna till the sun begins to set.

On their way home, they laugh and share tales of adventures in the Watercolor Woods, nurturing friendships, and being happy to have made new friends on today’s adventure.