Story: The Case Of The Missing Stash

“Good morning, Mia!  Ready to explore?”  Pip is full of energy and ready for a new adventure.

“You bet, Pip!  Let’s go.”  Mia loves exploring as much as Pip does.

In the Watercolor Woods lives a community of wonderful woodland creatures.  Among them are Pip, the eager and curious deer mouse.  Her nearby neighbor and closest friend is Mia, the blue jay.

“Where are we exploring today?”  Mia wonders.

Pip suggests, “Let’s walk the trail and see where it takes us.”

Every day, Pip and Mia explore the Watercolor Woods making discoveries, meeting new friends, and visiting old friends.

“Wait.  Do you hear that?”  Pip stops to listen.

Mia tilts her head and listens carefully, “Sounds like chattering noises.”

“Look!  It’s Earl the squirrel, and he is pacing about in a frenzy.”  Pip watches as he paces.

“What’s wrong, Earl?”  Mia asks, ruffling her feathers a bit.

“My stash!  My stash of nuts… ALL GONE!” Earl exclaims pacing back and forth with fret.

With his tail twitching anxiously, Earl continues to explain this tragedy, “I carefully collect nuts, and stash them for winter. They have vanished!  Someone stole them.”

Pip doesn’t understand, “Why would someone do this?”

“I don’t know.” Earl chatters.  “They have vanished.”

Mia glances at Pip and says in a soothing and comforting voice, “We know how important the nuts are to you, Earl.”

“They are for your survival over the cold, snowy winter.” Pip expresses empathy.

“We’ll help you find them,” Mia chirps with determination.  She loves a good adventure.

Pip suggests, “Let’s spread out and search for clues.”

While searching, the trio sees their friends Rosie the rabbit, and Birdie the cardinal.  “Hello, Rosie.  Hello, Birdie.”

Sharing the tale of the missing nut stash, Mia asks, “Did you see anything suspicious?”

“We saw Boone the raccoon sneaking around last night,”  Rosie answers.

Pip’s heart sinks, “ Could it be that Boone stole the stash of nuts?”

“We will help you look.  We know the area Boone lives.”  Birdie offers leading them deeper into the woods.

It”s getting late.”  Earl notices.  “The sun is dropping below the horizon. I hope we find my stash.”

Mia exclaims, “Hey, come check this out!  Underneath those tree roots in the shadows, there is a hidden den.”

Pip pokes her head into the den, and whispers, “I see the stash.  Boone is curled up sleeping beside it.”

“Shhh.”  Mia whispers and motions for the others to stay quiet.

Pip whispers as she tiptoes into the den, “Here.  I’ll hand you the nuts.”

She slowly passes the nut stash to the others, careful not to wake Boone.

With a big stretch, Boone opens his eyes and yawns, “ahhhh-hhaaaaaa!”

“Uh-oh!”  Pip says under her breath, wondering what to do.  “Hello.  I’m Pip.”

Boone asks, “Why are you in my den?”

Pip gathers her courage to ask, “Why did you take Earl’s nut stash?”

Hanging his head in shame, Boone admits, “I was hungry, and I did not think anyone would miss them.”

As Pip, Mia, and the others exchange glances, Earl speaks up, “We know this community assists each other.  All you need to do is ask.”

Rather than scold him, Earl invites Boone to sit beside him.  “You can keep some of the nuts.  We can share.”

“Here in the Watercolor Woods community, unity is our strength.  Together, we stand strong.” Mia says with a smile.

Rosie adds, “And, together we make sure no one goes hungry in our community.”

Pip looks up and realizes, “The first stars are in the sky.”

Gathering together, they share stories of past adventures with Boone over dinner.  Laughter fills the evening, and late into the night.

Before leaving, Earl invites, “Let’s meet at my burrow in the morning.  We can gather a new stash, together.”

Throughout the next few weeks, the friends collect more than enough nuts to stash for the winter.  Each day sharing tales from the Watercolor Woods,  Pip and Mia introduce their new friend Boone to the members of the community, fostering new friendships.

Joy Neasley

Watercolor Wildlife & Nature Artist

Story: The Woods Are Buzzing


Story: The Day The Sun Vanished