Joy Neasley Studios

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Story: The Way Home

Mia, the bluejay, flutters her wings and hops with excitement. “Pip, Pip, Let’s explore today!”

Pip, a deer mouse and Mia’s closest friend in the Watercolor Woods, pops her head out of her hollow. “Where should we go?”

“Brushstroke Falls. It’s a beautiful place to spend the day swimming.” Mia answers.

They set off for a day at the falls, hopping and scampering through the underbrush.

“Follow Stippling River upstream.” Mia points with her wing. “It will take us to the falls.”

Soon they hear the sounds of rushing water growing louder and louder.

“Pip look!” Mia chirps with her eyes full of wonder and awe as they emerge into a clearing. “The water cascades down the rocks to the pool below.”

Pip gazes at the falls. “Step closer, Mia. Feel that? Feel the cool, misty spray?”

“Ahhhhh.” Mia sighs with a wiggle and a shake of her feathers. “Let’s get into the water.”

With a twitch of the ears and a look of determination, Pip runs and plops into the water with a splash! “This is great.”

Getting out of the water only for lunch, giggles and splashing fill the day.

“The sun is beginning to set,” Mia notices, “It’s time to go home. The day is almost over.”

With one last shake to dry off, Pip turns to leave. “Which way?” She asks, glancing around. “I don’t remember. Do you?” her whiskers twitching nervously.

“Hmmmm. I’m not sure.” Mia replies looking around.

“Ohhhh!” Pip squeaks, panicking

“Don’t worry, Pip,” Mia chirps softly. “First, we stay calm.

Pip takes a deep breath, and then lets it out slowly. “Okay. Let’s think.”

Closing her eyes to visualize her thoughts, she remembers, “The sun was behind us this morning.”

“And, the water flowed away from the falls.” Mia also remembers.

“Right!” Pip, still thinking, “We followed the river upstream to get here.”

Together they exclaim, “We follow the river downstream to get home!”

“Let’s go home.” Mia encourages.

Following the river home, Mia and Pip chat about their wonderful day.

In the distance, they soon see the big bald cypress tree they call home.

Pip scurries up to her hollow, “What an adventure!” And, she tucks herself into her comfy nest.

Mia, roosting nearby, “Good night Pip! Sweet dreams.”

Soon they were fast asleep, dreaming of their next adventure in the Watercolor Woods.