Joy Neasley Studios

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Story: Pip Moves to the Watercolor Woods

“Hello,” chirps Mia, a lively and friendly bluejay, as she perches on a branch near Pip, a shy but spirited woodland deer mouse.

Pip, startled but curious, responds, “Oh, hi there.”

Mia’a eyes sparkle with kindness as she asks, “Are you moving in, or visiting?”

Pip with a hint of excitement, replies, “I’m moving into the hollow of this bald cypress tree. My name is Pip. What’s yours?”

With a graceful sweep of her wing, Mia gestures, “I live on the outer branch over there. Nice to meet you, Pip.”

Peering out from the hollow, Pip marvels, “Look at the view from this hollow! It’s beautiful. You can see all of the Watercolor Woods from here.”

Mia nods in agreement, “Yes. It is gorgeous from here. I love watching over the Watercolor Woods as the sun rises and sets each day from my nest. It is a sight to see, for sure.”

“I brought with me a housewarming gift, nesting material (dried plant matter) to make you feel comfy and cozy in the hollow,” Mia presents.

Gratefully, Pip accepts, “Thank you, Mia. You are so kind and thoughtful. It’s perfect.”

In the distance, voices drift upward. “Helloooooooo”, calls one voice. “Helloooooo up there,” calls another. The sounds are coming from below.

Mia and Pip peek out to see twin pond sliders with their necks stretched high, looking towards them. “Hello,” squawks Mia. “This is Pip, the deer mouse, our new neighbor here in the Watercolor Woods.

“Pip, meet the twins, Walter and Josie,” says Mia as she introduces them.

”Hi,” Pip says as she peers down the tall bald cypress tree.

“If there is ever anything you want to know, Walter and Josie know it. They are very wise and knowledgeable.” says Mia.

“That’s right,” agrees Walter. “That’s right,” echoes Josie. We can tell you stories after stories from the Watercolor Woods.” Walter and Josie say in unison.

“Croak, croak.” A bullfrog jumps onto Walter’s back.

“I can help you with directions,” hollers the bullfrog. “Hello. I am Oliver, the bullfrog of Canvas Creek. I can help you get to any place you desire to go.”

“You are kind and generous! All of you! Thank you.” responds Pip.

Pip looks around and smiles. She is pleased with her new neighbors, her new friends.

“Let’s go for a look-see,” suggests Oliver. “We can give you a tour of the Watercolor Woods.”

Pip scurries down the tall bald cypress and hops on Josie’s back. “The Stippling River runs through the Watercolor Woods,” Walter points out as they swim down the Stippling River and Mia flies overhead.

Walter and Josie take Pip past the Brushstroke Waterfalls. In awe of the sight, Pip exclaims, “How beautiful!”

The herd swims past the rocky, Graphite Glades, and sees a groundhog perched on his hind legs. “That is Henry, the groundhog,” shares Oliver as he waves hello.

  • Crawling out of the Stippling River, they enter Palette Place Meadow. Pip lets out a gleeful shriek, “How beautiful! Look at the colors of the wildflowers blooming. It’s like a rainbow in the meadow.”

Each starts down the Underpainting Trail, walking, jumping, and flying back toward home. “This is Canvas Creek, my home,” says Oliver as the trail crosses over the creek.

Returning home, Pip says goodbye to everyone and scurries back to her hollow. Looking out, she is overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of her new neighbors—her new friends. She knows she is going to be very happy in the Watercolor Woods.