Joy Neasley Studios

View Original

Story: Lights in the Watercolor Woods

Pip her hollow of a majestic Bald Cypress Tree in The Watercolor Woods.

“What is that?” Pip whispers to herself. Flashes of light appear.

Pip, the deer mouse recently moved into the hollow of a beautifully tall Bald Cypress Tree in the Watercolor Woods.

She slowly creeps up to the entrance of the hollow peeking out at the lights.

Mia hear’s Pip’s soft whispers and replies from her nest on an outer branch, “It’s the yearly light show.”

Mia, the bluejay is Pip’s closest friend. She sits with Pip watching the Light Show in the distance. Pip slowly falls asleep dreaming of the dancing lights in the night sky lighting up the woodland understory.

The sunrise awakens Pip from her sweet dreams, so she begins her morning chores. Eager to find out more about the lights, she finishes quickly.

Pip scurries down the tree spotting Mia and the Twins down near the roots. The twins, Walter and Josie, are the pond sliders of Stippling River.

“Hi, Mia. Hi Walter and Josie,” Pip says greeting her friends. Although she did not want to engage in small talk, she really wants to blurt out the many questions her curiosity holds about last night’s light show.

“Hello,” they greet Pip together. “Did you sleep well?” Inquires Mia. Pip was fast asleep when she left the night before.

Mia perched in the Watercolor Woods

“Yes, I had sweet dreams of dancing lights,” Pip shares in response. She is blushing because she is a bit embarrassed. “Tell me about the light show, please.”

Oliver, the bullfrog of Canvas Creek jumps to her side and exclaims, “It was a magnificent show! Wasn’t it? They are the Synchronized Fireflies, and they will be performing all week. The Synchronized Fireflies put on a show every year for The Watercolor Woods Community.”

“Yes.” “Yes.“ Walter and Josie agree simultaneously.

Pip and her friends excitedly chatter about the light show.

“Hey, let’s go over to Palette Place Meadow tonight.,” suggests Mia. “The meadow is the best place to view the Light Show.

“Yes, let’s go!” They each agree.

“We can meet here, at dusk, just before dark, and take the Underpainting Trail out to the meadow,” says Mia.

They each go about their day. Pip impatiently waits until dusk. When dusk approaches she scampers to meet the others.

They gather and begin down the trail towards Palette Place Meadow, while Mia flies overhead.

Getting close to the meadow, they see many critters of the Watercolor Woods gathered in the meadow, chatting and waiting for the show to begin.

“Over here. Over here.” Pip and the others hear from the meadow. Mia flies over and sees a striped skunk pointing to an open viewing spot in the meadow.

“Hi, I am Moonbeam,” the striped skunk introduces herself.

“Hi!” Says Pip. She introduces the others, “This is Mia, Walter, Josie, Oliver, and I am Pip. Nice to meet you.”

Mia loves to make new friends, “What’s is your name? Did you say, Moonbeam?”

“Yep, Moonbeam,” she replies with a smile and arching her backside to them. “See the white stripe down my back? That is my Moon Beam,” she giggles.

Oliver, the bullfrog of Canvas Creek in The Watercolor Woods.

“The show is starting!” Pip excitedly points out. They each take a seat.

Flashes of twinkling, dancing lights begin to light up the woodland understory. One flash… then another flash… flashes begin to fill the darkness.

A pattern emerges, five to eight flashes of dancing lights followed by eight to ten seconds of darkness. With each flash the woods light up, almost like a Christmas tree. The dancing lights flash all at once, synchronized.

“This is an amazing sight to see,” the twins awe.

The synchronized light show continues for several hours. Pip and her friends watch in amazement, enjoying the show.

On the way home Pip says, “I will be dreaming of dancing lights tonight!” A pleasant smile embraces her face.

She really loves her new friends in the Watercolor Woods. Tomorrow will be another day filled with adventures and friendships. Maybe Moonbeam will visit them soon too.

They arrive back home and each go their separate ways. Pip calls out as they leave, “Sweet dreams.”

“Sweet dreams, Pip” they each reply.

Moonbeam in the Watercolor Woods.