Joy Neasley Studios

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Story: The Forest Olympics

"What is that noise?" Pip, the deer mouse, thinks aloud. "There is rustling outside," she says and peeks out of her hollow in the cypress tree.

"Helloooo," Pip calls out.

"Pip! Pip! Come out! I have an idea for a new adventure," Mia, the blue jay shouts.

Pip stretches and scampers out onto a branch, "What is it, Mia?"

"What if we organize an evening full of games and fun for everyone in the Watercolor Woods? We can call it the Forest Olympics!" Mia asks.

"Yes! I think everyone will love it!" Pip responds. “We can start with a planning meeting this morning."

Pip and Mia ran to visit each of their friends and spread the word throughout the Watercolor Woods. Many of their friends suggested games and ideas during the visits.

Mia claps her wings, "All our friends and neighbors are buzzing with excitement! They are eager to get started."

"Ember, the owl, and Juniper, the chipmunk, say they are always up for a good challenge," Pip shares with Mia.

"We can have a flying race!" Mia suggests to Pip. "And, an obstacle race through the woodland trees and underbrush!"

In Palette Place Meadow, everyone gathers to make plans. Pip climbs on a rock to speak, "It looks like quite a turnout. Welcome!"

Mia joins Pip on the rock, "Welcome, everyone. Pip and I are excited to get your ideas for the Forest Olympics."

Henry, the groundhog, speaks up, "What about a log-rolling contest?"

"And, a hopping race?" Interjects Rosemary, the rabbit.

"Are you getting all these, Pip?" Mia asks.

"Yes. I have every one of them." Pip answers. “We need to make sure the Forest Olympics is full of diverse activities and games. That way everyone can participate."

Mia, the organizer she is, suggests, "Everyone, please get into teams for setting up the courses, keeping track of scores, and gathering prizes for the winners."

"This is going to be fun," Pip squeals.

"Now that everyone is in teams, let's begin preparations," Mia suggests.

"Pip, I will fly branch to branch and mark a clear path for the flying race," offers Mia.

Earl, the squirrel, offers, "I will gather nuts and acorns for the gathering competition."

"I will oversee ground preparations, and make sure all is ready for the competitions," Pip says.

By early evening, Moonbeam, the skunk, notices, "It's almost time to start! Gather around, please."

"Ember, take your place as the announcer. We are starting," Pip points out.

"Welcome, everyone, to the first-ever Forest Olympics. Today is a celebration of friendship, fun, and community in the Watercolor Woods. Let the games begin!" Ember announces.

Ember continues, "First, we have the Forest Race, a test of speed and agility. The path winds through the trees and woodland underbrush. Get ready. Set. Go!"

Mia shouts from above, "Look at them go! Rosemary, the rabbit, and Sienna, the deer, are neck in neck! And, Sienna wins it by a nose!"

"Next up is the flying race," Ember announces. "Everyone ready? On your mark. Set. Go!"

Pip yells from below, "Go, Mia! Go, Harmony!"

Moonbeam yells, "Harmony, the mockingbird, wins by a wing's length!"

Mia, a bit out of breath from the race, shouts, "Congratulations, Harmony! Good race!"

"Ember announces, "Next up is the nut and acorn gathering challenge. On your mark. Set. Go!"

"Look at them go!" Pip laughs. "Juniper and Earl are fast! Look! It's a tie!"

Ember announces the next course, "The final event before the sun sets is the obstacle course. You will work with your teams to navigate the terrain, climb over logs, crawl under branches, and work your way across the creek. Everyone ready? On your mark. Set. Go!"

Pip laughs as she crawls out of the creek, "Look at us, Mia! We are covered in mud."

Mia laughs and cheers, "Look! Henry and his team win this one!"

Ember makes one last announcement, "Friends. Today, we shared laughter, friendship, fun, and friendly competition. Thank you for coming, and be safe returning home."

"We did it, Pip!" Mia exclaims. "This was fun!"

"We did," Pip smiles. "I think we have a new tradition in the Watercolor Woods."